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The Art of Corn Harvesting

Educator Resources

The fall corn harvest was and is one of my most favorite times of year. 成片的幼苗长得很高,现在正达到最佳收获点,既可以作为牲畜的饲料,也可以作为几乎无限用途的谷物.

Corn is an interesting plant in that it does not exist “in the wild.“玉米是一种100%的人造植物,它的育种可以追溯到8000多年前. 从不起眼的开始,玉米已经发展成为世界主要作物有两个原因. First, 玉米每英亩产生的总养分比其他任何作物都多, corn is easily mechanized.

体育彩票外围平台进入收获季节并检查用于收获玉米的方法和机械, 体育彩票外围平台注意到玉米的使用方式直接影响到它的收获方式. As I mentioned earlier, corn can be used as a forage crop. 玉米青贮可以被反刍动物,即牛利用作为能量和纤维的来源.

青贮玉米是通过将整株玉米切成大约3/8英寸长的碎片制成的. 这是通过使用草料收割机来完成的,在农业圈通常被称为“菜刀”. 如照片所示,直升机既可以由拖拉机牵引,也可以自行推进. 许多现代的切碎机都有碾碎玉米粒的处理器,以使动物更有效地利用玉米粒. In those cases, particle lengths are generally increased to ¾ inches.

Picture of corn harvest in the field.

Image Credit: Tim Malin and IH Group on Facebook

Regardless of its method of propulsion, 玉米作物在离地面几英寸的地方被剪断,并被送入每秒能切割200次以上的刀片(刀). 叶片夹住传入的玉米使用一个固定的剪切棒,使叶片剪刀动作, delivering a clean, power-efficient cut.

Picture of corn harvest equipment.Image credit: Tim Malin and IH Group on Facebook

新鲜切割的青贮饲料被放置并包装在一个筒仓中,在那里它将经历发酵过程,使草料可以在明年的过程中储存和喂养. Silos can be vertical towers, 青贮饲料也可以装在长塑料袋中,但最常用的方法是将青贮饲料堆放在水平掩体中, 在哪里用重型设备或大型拖拉机散布和包装牧草.

Image of corn silage.Image Credit: Dr. Gonzalo Ferreira, VA Tech

地堡提供快速饲料,这对今天的大型动物饲养操作至关重要. More rarely, corn can be processed as “snaplage,“使用同样的带有鲷鱼头的菜刀,将穗从茎上扯下来,并将其加工成能量密度更高的饲料.

Image of corn bunker.Image credit: Dr. Gonzalo Ferreira, VA Tech

Corn harvested for grain is snapped off the stalk as well, but from that point forward, the grain is treated much more gently. 在收获季节,玉米植株通常比较干燥,谷粒破碎的可能性也比较高. No matter the use, a broken kernel means the corn is worth less, and while zero breakage is not a reality, keeping damage to a minimum makes economic sense.

Corn combine machineImage credit: Tim Malin and IH Group on Facebook

再一次,玉米的使用方式直接影响到收割玉米的机器. Some corn is harvested by collecting the entire ear. 以这种方式收获的玉米包括甜玉米(没有玉米棒的玉米是什么??), popcorn and seed corn. 

Image of corn being harvested.Image Credit: Andrew Overbay 

收割这些作物的机器被称为采摘机,可以是老式拖拉机安装的设备, to pickers pulled by tractors to large self-propelled pickers. 

尽管爆米花和玉米种子在它们的最终形态中并不利用玉米棒, 这种方法可以用最温和的方式处理玉米, again because kernel breakage makes the harvest worthless in both cases.

Seed corn is a highly prized crop. As we mentioned at the start of this blog, 玉米是一种完全人工种植的作物,玉米种子代表着下一代玉米作物的未来. Hundreds of millions of dollars are invested in each new variety of corn, so the seed corn crop is precious in many ways.

Corn combine image.Image credit: Scott Reiter, Extension Agent, King George County VA

玉米种子生产受到高度监控,特别是在授粉阶段. 玉米被去穗,以确保只有预期的植物育种发生,然后雄株被摧毁. 只收获雌性植株(雄性植株的穗要大得多,收获后要分拣出来),一旦到达种子加工设施,穗就被剥去皮,放在干燥机里. 

Once the seed corn is dried, 麦穗去壳,谷粒装袋或装箱,准备明年春天播种.

最后,当大多数人想到收获玉米时,他们会想到玉米联合收割机. 联合收割机可以用来收获其他作物,如小谷物(小麦、大麦、黑麦)或大豆. 联合收割机第一个与作物接触的前部称为“头”,玉米头与其他作物有很大的不同.

Corn heads feature snouts, 长金属片或塑料片,延伸到作物之间的行. Like pickers, the head snaps the ear off and expels the stalk and leaves. 不像采摘机,耳是直接进入转子通过联合饲料房. 转子将耳朵放在笼子上,另一个耳朵和玉米粒通过笼子里的洞掉下来,而玉米棒和其他大块的材料被切碎并排出.

Image of corn harvest.Image credit: Scott Reiter, Extension Agent, King George County VA

玉米粒和一些外来物质通过振动筛,然后经受高速风扇的吹风. The shaking and air blasts serves to further “clean” the grain. 谷物被收集在联合收割机的大仓里,直到卸到卡车上, or large cart which will unload into a truck, for the trip to the local grain elevator or farm storage bins.

From there, 去壳玉米分级,并根据是否有异物和破碎的玉米粒来确定其用途. 这些用途从动物饲料到乙醇,再到你最喜欢的碳酸饮料的玉米糖浆,再到将药物粘合在一起的粘合剂.

No matter the use, 一片生长着玉米的深绿色田地是一道美丽的风景,也是体育彩票外围平台许多农场和工业的命脉.

Download the From Seed to Feed - The Planting and Harvesting of Corn 

Infographic-From Seed to Feed


Andrew Overbay, Unit Coordinator and Extension Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Virginia Tech

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