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Filling Out a Balance Sheet

Financial Literacy

年轻的, Beginning, Small & Veteran Farmers

Filling out a balance sheet can be an intimidating task. It can be extremely overwhelming to see all the boxes and work through the entire document; however, filling out a balance sheet doesn’t have to be scary. It is an important piece of the loan decision process.

填写资产负债表令人生畏的部分原因是词汇混乱,或者不能100%确定将特定信息放在哪里. 在这篇文章中,学习更多关于填写资产负债表的知识,这样你就可以自信地处理它!

第一个, 重要的是要记住术语“资产负债表”可以与“财务报表”交替使用. 如果你听到这两个词中的任何一个,准备好分担你的负债和资产.

也, a balance sheet is completed at a set point in time. 某些资产,如银行账户或信用卡余额,每天都在变化. 使用余额和价值,因为他们是在你完成你的资产负债表的那一天.

What is an asset?

资产负债表上的资产是任何拥有经济价值的东西. 资产分为三个不同的部分:流动资产, intermediate assets, and fixed or long-term assets.

A current asset allows a lender to look at liquidity and cash reserves. It is crucial that this section is completed accurately. Current assets include, but are not limited to:

  • 现金
  • 检查
  • Savings (this includes certificates of deposit)
  • Assets that can easily be turned into cash, such as
    • Market livestock
    • Crops held for resale
    • Feed, seed, or supplies
    • Investments in growing crops
    • Accounts receivable
    • Stocks and bonds
      • 股票和债券不应与401(k)、个人退休账户(爱尔兰共和军)或529计划混淆.

*如果可能的话,最好有一份报表来核实流动资产. 例如,如果你有25万美元的存款,要有证明文件.

Intermediate assets 那些不像流动资产那样容易变成现金的项目.

Intermediate assets include, but are not limited to:

  • Automobile values
  • Machinery and equipment values
  • Boats/RVs/ATVs
  • Breeding livestock
  • Retirement
  • 爱尔兰共和军
  • 401K
  • 现金 value of life insurance
  • Contracts or notes receivable
  • Personal property
    • 这对每个人来说都是不同的,因为个人财产可以包括家庭用品, 工具, 珠宝, 枪支, 艺术, 古董, 等.

Another interchangeable term is a long-term or fixed assets. These are items that are not as easily turned into cash. long-term or fixed assets include, but are not limited to:

  • Primary residences
  • Farm or timber land
  • 很多
  • Recreational property
  • Rental properties
  • Time shares
  • Interest in entities
    • 对于实体,您很可能需要为该实体完成单独的资产负债表. Once you have the ‘net worth’ of the entity, you will multiply the net worth by your ownership percentage. 你的所有权百分比的价值将被转移到个人资产负债表上.

一旦您完成了所有三个资产部分,您将需要将每个类别加起来. 然后,把这三个类别的小计加在一起,得到你所有资产的总和.

What is a liability?

Liability are the debts owed. 定期负债有时可以与债务互换. As with assets, 负债分为三个不同的部分:流动负债, intermediate liabilities, and long-term liabilities.

Current liabilities are notes/debts that are usually payable within a year. Current liabilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Credit cards
  • 应付账款(兽医、种子供应商、饲料供应商等).)
  • 经营贷款(用于农场/商业开支的信贷额度)
  • Real estate or income 税es
  • Unpaid medical bills
  • 经营性租赁付款(例如:农场经营租赁土地的应付款项)
  • Time shares
    • 如果你把它作为一项资产,年费也应该列在流动负债中

Intermediate liabilities 期限大于1年,但小于10年的票据是否到期. Intermediate liabilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Auto loans
  • Student loans
  • Machinery and equipment loans
  • 首页 equity loans

Long-term liabilities 是否设定在超过10年的时间内到期/偿还的票据. Long-term liabilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Mortgages on primary residences or rental properties
  • Land or lot loans
  • 首页 equity lines of credit

一旦你完成了所有三个责任部分,你就需要把每个类别加起来. 然后,把这三个类别的小计加在一起,得到你所有负债的总和.


Total Assets – Total Liabilities = Net Worth

What items tend to be missed on a balance sheet?

Balance sheets encompass a plethora of information. It can be easy to mistakenly omit an expense or asset. Forgetting an expense or asset here happens; however, 填写完整的资产负债表是极其重要的.

个人经常忘记列出他们是“共同签署人”的任何责任. Even if you are not the one making the payments, 你的名字仍然可以报告给信用机构,债务将包括在你的信用报告中. 任何共同签署的债务都需要在资产负债表上列出. These items will be listed in their appropriate location. For example, if you co-signed on a family member’s new vehicle, that would be listed in intermediate liabilities.

资产负债表上的一些项目可能不适用于你,这没关系! If there is a section you do not have asset or liability, it is acceptable to leave blank or put in $0.


When listing your liabilities, be transparent. 如前所述,资产负债表与信用报告是一致的. 如果一项负债在信用报告上,但不在资产负债表上,这可能会减缓这一过程.

也, 如果您正在处理的贷款请求将需要市场或饲养牲畜, machinery, or equipment at collateral, 建议使用单独的纸张或电子表格来逐项列出这些资产和价值. For example, instead of just writing $100,000 worth of breeding livestock, 包括一个额外的文件,逐项列出奶牛的总数, bred cows/heifers, and bulls are included in that $100,000.

下次你被要求填写资产负债表时,参考这些提醒. Remember, it doesn’t have to be intimidating! Break down each section, take your time, 保持透明,你的资产负债表就会变得很好!

Download the Filling Out a Balance Sheet resource guide.

Filling out a balance sheet resource sheet


Joey Cornwell headshot

Joey Cornwell

Regional Sales and Lending Manager

Farm Credit of the Virginias




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