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Agricultural Advocacy

Congressman Morgan Griffith

Agricultural Advocacy

Farm Credit Goes to Washington to Advocate for Strong Farm Bill

Farm Credit is known for building meaningful relationships with our customer-owners; however, our continued success is dependent on more than just customer relations. Even many of our customer-owners...
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Agricultural Advocacy

Farm Credit Ramps Up Congressional Advocacy Amidst Farm Bill Discussions

The Farm Credit System was established by Congress 107 years ago, and the directors and employees of Farm Credit understand the importance of sharing the Farm Credit story with those key members.
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Agricultural Advocacy

Making Your Legislative Visit Count!

When your television screen is full of campaign ads this fall that means it is time to start thinking about more than just switching the channel! It is also time to start preparing for the upcoming...
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Agricultural Advocacy

Legislative Advocacy and Update 2022

Farm Credit is known for building relationships with its customers, but it goes further than that.
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Agricultural Advocacy

Discover Farm Facts and Celebrate National Farm City Week

As we plan to gather with friends and family for the holidays, we celebrate the farmers and ranchers for the abundant bounty they provide us. National Farm City week also takes place during the week...
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Agricultural Advocacy

Have a Discussion, Not a Disagreement

Weather, 害虫, illness, fluctuating prices for fertilizer, 种子, feed and every changing supply and demand markets – these are issues that farmers have been dealing with for generations. And each of...
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Agricultural Advocacy

Connecting to Ag is More Important than Ever

You’ve probably heard at some point a statement similar to the following: “Less than 2% of the population is directly involved in agriculture” or “a very small percentage of the population has a...
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Agricultural Advocacy

Let's Talk Advocacy

Let's Talk "Ag"vocacy! Confession – “ag”vocacy is not a word that you will find in a dictionary. So what exactly are we talking about? Well…we’re talking about Advocating (show public support for or...
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Agricultural Advocacy

Ag Literacy Goes Far Beyond a Week

Last week was Ag Literacy week and our Knowledge Center team, as well as other member of the Farm Credit of the Virginias team, took time out of their week to visit with students across our footprint to read and talk to them about agriculture and how it impacts their daily lives.
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